Το Ευρωπαϊκό Ταμείο Επενδύσεων ανακοινώνει προσλήψεις δικηγόρων για τη Νομική του Υπηρεσία – Διεύθυνση Εταιρικών και Θεσμικών Υποθέσεων, στην έδρα του στο Λουξεμβούργο, για το Δίκαιο της ΕΕ και Εταιρικά Θέματα
Προθεσμία υποβολής αιτήσεων έως 31 Ιουλίου 2017
Το κείμενο της προκήρυξης στα Αγγλικά:
The European Investment Fund (EIF), is seeking to recruit for its Legal Service (LS) – Corporate and Institutional Affairs Division, at its headquarters inLuxembourg,
Lawyer(s) for EU Law and Corporate Matters
This is a generic campaign in view of current and future vacancies.
Appointment will be made on the basis of a fixed term contract of three (3) years.
The Corporate and Institutional Affairs Division within the Legal Service (LS – CIA) provides analysis and legal advice on matters relating to the legal needs of EIF, such as applicable laws and regulations, implementation of mandates, inter-institutional relations and the external vehicles developed and administrated by EIF. The successful candidate will assist the Head of Division and Deputy Head of the Legal Service, together with other officers of the team, in providing legal support to the other EIF directorates on matters of mutual interest always in accordance with the priorities established by the EIF Secretary General.
Operating Network:
The Lawyer reports to the Head of Division and Deputy Head of the Legal Service, who in turn reports to the Secretary General and Head of the Legal Service. Under the supervision of the Head of Division and senior lawyers, s/he will coordinate her/his actions with the other divisions in Legal Service and relevant services of EIF and EIB.
The Lawyer will carry out work relating to all tasks within the Division’s remit, in particular EU law, corporate and institutional matters. Without prejudice of carrying out legal work in relation with any ad-hoc tasks of the Division and the Legal Service, s/he will in particular be requested to:
Deadline for applications: 31st July 2017
* Due to high volume of applications, only candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.
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